Our little girl is growing up, faster than we can imagine! She is full of fun and smiles. She is everywhere and wants everything she is not supposed to have. She loves her food, big girl food! Now that she is 11 months old, she...
1 - Sleeps 13 + hours at night
2 - Says and waves bye, bye (but never when you ask her too!)
3 - Plays peekaboo and says boo! while doing it (my favorite)
4 - Still loves her paci (more than ever)...trying to keep it to bedtime only but hard when she has a cold and it teething big time!
5 - Loves to read books and take them all out of her baskets
6 - Empty any box/container/basket she finds
7 - Wants to pull to a stand ALL THE TIME!
8 - Hates her car seat and at times her stroller too!
9 - Is a daddy's girl...such a smart little one
10 - Will not stay still for diaper changes
11 - Has 2 teeth and one more coming in