I figured I would update you and post a little bit of what we have done up to now. From now on I will do my best to blog and post more regularly.
Chris says this should be from Victoria's perspective... we'll try it out.

Here I am with my cousin Alex.
Don't we look adorable with our matching outfits?

Here we are with Lolly- double trouble!

Mother's Day was on my mommy's birthday this year...or should I say, mommy's birthday was on Mother's Day? Either way, it was too good to be true! Here we are... doesn't she look happy to be a mom! :)

Tennis anyone?

I love this outfit - I look like a real strawberry!

Okay, mommy seems to take pictures of every cute outfit she makes me wear....
Here I am making some funny faces so she can have cute pics.

This is my ducky outfit!

Quack, quack?

Are you done yet?

Hahaha ... no teeth yet!

I got all dressed up for my two month picture... look how I am growing!
Every month my mommy sits me on my rocker for pictures.
I got baptized on 4/26/08. I was so good! Didn't cry a bit. Here I am with my godparents Amy and Mike. They are so good to me!
Here I am with my grandparents...Grandad, Lolly, Abu and Abuelo.
I made them very proud.

What's up? This is my first trip to the horse races.
Should I say lucky charm?

My mommy and daddy look very happy.
I was on my way to my first wedding! I had a blast!

Good morning mommy!
I had a playdate with Joe - well my mommy went shopping with his mommy Beth - they call it playdates - see how much fun we had?

Say cheese!

Wow! There is a mobile on my swing! Cool!

Bedtime anyone?

My daddy gave me my first bottle when I was around 7 weeks. It took me several tries - the nipple was too slow and I tried for 30 minutes! Didn't get a drop...but I was good...mommy changed it and I finished it all up.

This is with my outfit that Auntie Beth made for me. Can you read what it says?
Does this diaper make my butt look big?
Here I am wearing the outfit Tia Gloria gave me.

This one is from Tia Ana Maria.

Sleeping with an outfit from Tia Mabi.
OMG! Victoria-you are so cute! Your boyfriend can't wait to see you tomorrow...he's taking a nap so he can lots of energy to play! Your mommy did a great job on your blog and I hope she had a wonderful birthday and mother's day.
hasta manana
Que divinas las fotooooosssss!!! esta preciosa tu hija, y tu que bestia estas igualita a la ultima vez que te vi... han pasado mas de 10 anios creo... me encataria poder visitarlos en algun momento!!! Que Dios te baendiga a ti y a tu hermosa familia... Te quiero mucho amiga...
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